Calling All Turkeys and Pies!
What’s a Thanksgiving meal without turkey and pumpkin pie?
It’s a blessing to cook a turkey or pie for someone who wouldn’t otherwise be able to sit down to supper with others. A cooked turkey is the centerpiece of our meal, and we desperately need volunteers to help cook and drop these off for us. We’ll probably need 70-80 cooked turkeys to feed our guests, so we thank you for any support!
Sign Up to Cook a Turkey!
Let us know if you are able to purchase, cook, and deliver a turkey for us!
Thank you to all who registered to receive one of our donated turkeys! They have now all been distributed.
Deliver Your Cooked Turkey or Pies
Deliver cooked turkeys or pies to Kardia Church, 1637 Butler Ave., LA 90025 [view map]
Wednesday, November 27, 3pm-8pm (preferred) -or- Thanksgiving morning 6am-12 noon.
You Can Roast a Turkey or Bake a Pie
Our Simple Recipes
It’s simple and easy. Follow the recipe below, or we’ll teach you how if you come volunteer with us on Wednesday afternoon!
Turkey Still Frozen?
If you have a turkey that is still frozen the day before Thanksgiving, the USDA has instructions on how to safely quick-thaw or even cook it fully or partially frozen. Read all details here ยป
Turkey Roasting Instructions
- Get a 16-to-20 pound turkey if possible. Buy a disposable roasting pan if you don’t have one. If the bird is frozen, be sure to defrost it in time! It takes about three days to thaw in the refrigerator.
- Give yourself about ten hours roasting time. Begin by removing the neck and giblets from the cavity of the turkey. Wash it inside and out with water. Let it drain, wipe dry with paper towel, then salt and pepper the inside cavity. Put the turkey into the roasting pan. Do not cover the bird.
- If you can, roast it Wednesday morning / day and bring it Wednesday (see drop-off times above), it gives us a big head start. If not, put it in the oven Wednesday night and bring it early Thursday.
- Do NOT stuff the turkey! For health and safety reasons, we cannot accept stuffed turkeys.
- Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Put the turkey in the oven. Check your turkey at about 10 hrs later. If you are using a meat thermometer, it should read between 190 to 195 degrees F. If you do not have a thermometer, you can stick a skewer or fork in the leg down to the bone. Check to see if the juices which run out are clear (no red juices). If it is not done, turn up the temperature to 350 degrees F and cook until done.
- When done, remove it from the oven and wrap it in foil, and a heavy garbage bag. The plastic garbage bag will keep the juices from running all over your car. Careful it’s HOT!
- We will be carving the turkeys on site when they arrive on Wednesday or Thanksgiving morning. If dropping off the turkey on Thanksgiving morning (Thursday), it must arrive HOT! If you have a long drive, put it in a insulated box (ice chest, etc.) to keep it HOT. Keep it safe. Keep it HOT, HOT, HOT!
Pie Baking Instructions
- Bake or purchase a pumpkin pie the day before.
- If you buy a frozen pie, please bake it for us! We do not have oven space to bake pies.
- Be sure to refrigerate your pie after baking. For safety, it should be cold when you bring it.